FREE CONCERT and Sing Along with Ed Loechler and friends
Raise Up Our Voices in Joyful Song and Resistance
6:30-8 pm United Parish Church, 15 Marion Street, Brookline
Raise your voice in joyful resistance at United Parish Church where we will have music, food and a gathering for young and old (and some surprises). Song has long been a part of resistance movements and we need the hope and energy that comes from joining our individual voices together in something larger than anyone of us can sound alone. In 1961, Martin Luther King Jr., referring to protest songs, said, “They give the people new courage and a sense of unity. I think they keep alive a faith, a radiant hope, in the future, particularly in our most trying hours.” Sign up to sing, with old and new friends, with young and old family. Come with friends, families with children are encouraged to join. The more of us, the more powerful our voices will be! Help us fill the room and share this invitation.
POSTCARDS for Susan Crawford, Wisconsin Supreme Court
United Parish Church 15 Marion Street Brookline
This is a must win race to hold onto the Supreme Court in Wisconsin. Congressional maps and reproductive freedom will be on the line.
Forum on Immigration: What can you do?
United Parish Church, 15 Marion Street, Brookline
Many of us are wondering what we, as ordinary people, can do to help protect our immigrant neighbors. We’ll be posing that question to immigrant advocates from 3 major organizations: MIRA, JALSA, and UU Mass Action. Please spread the word to friends, your faith communities, and other networks. This is our defining moment, and we must, and can, take action.